Monday, August 22, 2011

The Ex Recovery System By Ashley Kay | Book Review

The Ex Recovery System was written by a woman, Ashley Kay, who after a traumatic breakup of her own spent close to a year making most, if not all of the mistakes that are now listed in her book.

She searched in vain for a book like The Ex Recovery System and learned that there is a very limited amount of information available on this subject due to the fact that it is so specialized.

There is a lot of information if you are STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP, but very little information about repairing a relationship ONCE IT’S OVER. Since there was limited information available she decided to help other people in a similar situation by creating her own ex recovery manual.

She became determined to find out about what actually does work. She intensely studied relationship dynamics, human psychology, and· other related subjects until she finally came across the answers she needed. The result of all this intensive study is The Ex Recovery System.

The Ex Recovery System

Many products out there promoted to both genders try to outline only the stuff that works for both genders. Men and women do think and communicate differently and you must use slightly different approaches for both.

The Ex Recovery System recognizes the fact that men and women are different. You’re not getting some generic ex back system here. Men and women have different emotional triggers when it comes to relationships and attraction.

The Ex Recovery System explains these emotional triggers, and allows you to understand what was ACTUALLY happening that lead to the breakup, and how to approach things in a more positive and effective manner.

The psychological techniques in The Ex Recovery System are designed to get your ex interested again, remind them of their love for you, and make you as irresistible as before. This really seems to work according to the testimonials on her site.

The Ex Recovery System Book

The book itself has 138 pages and is subtitled 'understanding your man/woman and how to get them back in thirty days'. It has two main sections,

1) Understanding and Analysis

2) The Plan



Complete Control Technique

Exercise 1: Taking Action NOW

Instant Emotion Buster

QUIZ: Are You Emotionally Out Of Control?


The Biggest Reasons Why Men Leave

The Biggest Reasons Why Women Leave

Short Term Relationships

Exercise 2 - Why Your Ex Left


Stages of Break Up Preparation

Break Up Personality Types

What Is Your Ex Doing And What Are They Thinking Now?

The Power of Commitment And Consistency


QUIZ: Should You Get Back Together With Your Ex?



Quiz: Are You Ready For Contact?


Part I - You


How to Start Being Single

What to Do About Your Ex

Part II – Your Ex

The Direct Method

The Indirect Method

QUIZ: How to Tell If Your Ex Still Has Feelings For You





You also get a number of bonuses:

*Ex Recovery Interactive Journal:

*Ex Recovery 3-in-1 Bonus

*14 Days Free Access to From Break Up to Break Through Coaching Program. An interactive site with access to training and coaching programs

The Ex Recovery System Analysis

As you can see this system deals with what you are feeling and thinking, all of these different manuals have that. What sets this one apart is that it also deals with what your ex is feeling and thinking, the other systems have only very limited information on this, if they have any at all.

The Ex Recovery System is a well written guide from Ashley Kay, that is both informative and effective, and using the psychology and emotional triggers described in it to get him or her to be more open and receptive to your efforts are a real revelation.

The Ex Recovery System is a great system to have and explore if you are looking for help to get back together with your ex. Not only does it guide you in the recovery of your ex, you will have a better relationship when you do get back together.

I can honestly say that if you get this manual, it is very likely you will win your ex back. This guide is the real deal and it will help you if you just follow it. Ashley Kay has created an outstanding guide here, it can be found at The Ex Recovery System website.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Using No Contact To Get An Ex Back

There are a lot of common mistakes that we all make right after an emotional breakup, but one of the big problems people face is what to say to your ex to get them back. The answer to this question is very simple, you say nothing and make no attempt to contact them!

Right after a big breakup, a lot of emotions are at a fever pitch and it can be easy for either of you to say the wrong things and cause serious and maybe even irreparable damage to the relationship and the possibilities of getting back together.

If you can avoid this the chances of a successful reunion become a lot easier. Experts in the field of relationship recovery have discovered that it is best to give your ex a cooling off period during which you do not speak to each other at all.

This is not a psychological trick or game to get them back, it is part of an overall strategy to help diffuse the current situation and to set up future plans to get an ex back. Right now constantly annoying contact, text messaging, calling or e-mailing your ex, does not, and will not work.

Simply put the no contact rule is that you should not initiate contact with your ex. It does not mean that you are refusing to talk to him or her. It should actually be called the 'leave your ex alone and give them, and yourself, time to think and recover rule'.

You want to keep the lines of communication open for the future, but for right now constantly annoying contact, text messaging, calling or e-mailing your ex, does not, and will not work, you are going to have to stop calling, text messaging, or 'accidentally' running into him or her.

The premise behind this rule is that creating a physical (and mental) distance between your ex and yourself allows for a faster healing process which makes it easier to reunite. It is obvious that you both need a break to clear your heads and to re-set your emotions.

When the emotional turmoil is at a minimum, it is then that logic and clear thinking can set in. Another benefit is that after a break up a person will become emotionally vulnerable, and susceptible to acting needy and insecure. These traits naturally repel attraction, especially in women.

No contact gives time for the other party to discover how much you meant in their lives because the contrast of your absence versus your presence is so extreme. Your ex may even discover (perhaps to their surprise) how much they miss you.

When you were a big part of your exes life and you suddenly disappear, do you think they can not help but wonder what you are up to? This is a neat little psychological angle, the more your ex thinks about you, the more they are becoming obsessed with you all over again.

In a nutshell you want to give the ex a chance to miss you. This is not going to happen if you are constantly calling your ex begging for another chance, or asking them to explain the break up over and over again.

Also when you are constantly trying to make unwanted contact you run the risk of annoying him or her, to the point where they refuse to talk to you. And the whole time you are acting this way, you are chipping away at your own dignity and self respect.

The no contact rule really does work, but just by having no contact, and then doing nothing, is not going to win your ex lover back. No contact is to be used as part of an overall plan to get your ex back.

Having an underlying strategy and following an overall plan to get your ex back will make your efforts a lot more effective. But to have a successful reunion means getting help, and taking the time to learn some things about psychology and people's basic needs and desires.

What you say to your ex, and when and how to restart contact after a break up is of the utmost importance, and can make or break the deal.  T.W. Jackson the gifted post-relationship mentor inspired this article about getting an ex back.

This short article can only give you a small part of his overall plan. For more indepth information about the strategies, steps, and psychological techniques for getting back together, it is recommended to listen to him, because he has helped thousands of persons in the exact same situation as you.

His website is called The Magic Of Making Up, I hope this helps you, the more information you can get the better it is for you. Whatever you choose to try you do need to get started on this as soon as possible to maximize your chances.

The entire article is on Ex Back Online.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting Your Ex Back

Your Situation Is Not Hopeless

People even end up remarrying their ex wife or ex husband. It is simply a matter of going about it in the right way. Whether you are a man wanting to your ex girlfriend back, or a woman trying to get your ex boyfriend back, there are some basic principals to follow that work, and will help in getting your ex back.

An Emotional Time

One of your main problems is how to get your emotions under control when you are facing a situation like this. It is a very stressful and confusing time when you have had a breakup and are facing an uncertain future. To make things even worse you likely have not been sleeping well either, but there are simple techniques you can use to get your emotions back under control.

What Are The Causes

Getting back together usually takes time and effort, you will need to analyze the situation truthfully to come up with the root cause of the problems that caused the breakup so they are not repeated. Occasionally getting your ex back may be easier than you think especially if it was a sudden breakup, but no matter what the circumstances, people have even gotten back together after long separations or even after a very bad type of breakup.

Getting Outside Help

Having some realistic expectations and a willingness to accept help is key to getting your ex back. Turning to someone that has helped thousands of people in your situation with a common sense down to earth strategy will help you more than trying to find the answer searching the Internet.

My Articles

The articles here come from my copy of the featured relationship manual, yes I have a copy and it really helped me to get through a tough time in my own life, and to get my lover back. They are written in my own words but contain the basic strategies you need to know to get started on the right path.

The Rest Of The Plan

Getting off to a good start is important, but do you know some simple techniques that will help you to get your emotions under control? Do you know what to say and do when you have your first meeting together after the breakup? Not going about this crucial step in the right way can doom your chances. Should you sleep with your ex? Surprisingly the answer is different for a man or a woman.
There is nothing wrong with getting outside help that can guide you in not only getting your ex back, but how to make it permanent, find out more HERE.

Read more on my website Ex Back Online.